At 6 feet, 170 pounds, Dixie is a marvel of nature and in her first visit to the Squeeze House backyard, the amazon's arrival draws a hush from the motley crowd, which soon watches her use her massive legs and glutes to swallow Charles' head and lock on her infamous skullcrusher headscissors, which JC runs over to watch the shape of the big guy's skull change just a little less than Dixie changed blonde Iris' when she hospitilized her and ended the very talkative girl's career. Dixie owns Charles. The fight gone from him, it is JC, a blonde with legs that can seperate heads from shoulders that wrap around his throat, squeeze him purple and don't let go until he suffers one of the most extreme knckouts and most watchable reactions to the strange, and for him, terrifying state of being put out. As Charles is laid out still in another world and the two beauties look on, genius Rob observes it might be time for him to stop. Time: 15:07