If you have ZoneAlarm Pro installed on your computer and experience problems logging in as a member to these forums with the following message:
"Login Failed - Sorry, we could not log you in because your browser is not accepting our cookies. Please enable cookie support and try again."
...this means that ZoneAlarm Pro is set to block cookies and popups. In order to gain access to your members account please temporarily disable these settings within ZoneAlarm Pro to gain access. Once access to your members account has been acheived, you can then return your privacy settings back to their original settings.
1) In Zone Alarm Pro or Zone Alarm Security Suite, use your mouse cursor to double click on the icon for Zone Alarm. This is located on the bottom right of your screen in your system tray.
2) Click on the word privacy in the left hand column of Zone Alarm.
3) Under Cookie Control and Ad Blocking position your mouse cursor over the slider bar and drag down to the off position on each setting.
4) Enter your registered user name and password on the Femfight Community Message Board and login.
5) Once you have successfully logged in, go back into ZoneAlarm and return the Cookie Control and Ad Blocking back to their original settings, (usually 'Medium').
If you experience problems logging in with any other firewall you have installed you will have to temporarily disable your cookie and ad blocking settings in the same way to gain access, remembering afterwards to return the settings to their original position.